This is the copyright page and some other prefatory material of
the book as it was scanned in. NOTE THAT THE PUBLISHER'S ADDRESS
IS OBSOLETE, as is information about price and availability of the book.
The publishers have moved to Gabriola Island, British Columbia, they say
the book is out of print, and they did not respond to queries about the
whereabouts of the authors and copyright-holders.
Copyright © 1992 by C.T. Lawrence Buder and Keith McHenry.
All rights reserved.
Food Not Bombs groups can easily obtain permission to reprint from the
Inquiries regarding requests to reprint all or part of Food Not Bombs:
How to Feed the Hungry and Build Community should be addressed
New Society Publishers
4527 Springfield Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19143
ISBN USA 0-86571-239-5 Hardcover
ISBN USA 0-86571-239-5 Paperback
ISBN CAN 1-55092-180-0 Hardcover
ISBN CAN 1-55092-181-9 Paperback
Printed in the United States of Arnerica on partially recycled paper
by Capital City Press of Montpelier, Vermont.
Cover art by Keith McHenry.
Cover design by Carina Ahren.
Book design by Martin Kelley.
To order directly from the publisher, add $2.50 to the price for the
first copy, 75ç each additional. Send check or money order to:
New Society Publishers
4527 Springfield Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19143 In Canada, contact:
New Society Publishers/New Catalyst
PO Box 189
Gabriola Island, BC VOR IXO
New Society Publishers is a project of the New Society Educational Foundation,
a nonprofit, tax-exempt, public foundation in the United States, and of
the Catalyst Education Society, a nonprofit society in Canada. Opinions
expressed in this book do not necessarily represent positions of the New
Society Educational Foundation, nor the Catalyst Education Society.
A 1981 flier on our table in Cambridge.
"We Never Sell Out""
The Food for Free Committee believes nourishing food is a necessity
for survival, and should be accessible to all. We look toward to the day
when food Is freely shared amongst us, end people are free to give society
whatever labor they can. Until that day, the Food for Free Committee dedicates
itself to preparing and selling nutritious food as cheaply aa possible.
For environmental and health reasona, we cook with organic and unprocesed
foods. For Instance, in our pies we use honey instead of refined sugar,
and tofu inatead of milk and eggs. Tofu is a non-dairy product of soybeans,
rich In protein. Delicious and nutritious, variations on tofu pie are among
our specialties
If you're organizing an event, please contact us. We do:
· issues conferences
· political rallies and demonstrations
· dances and fundraisers
· community fairs
· events for children
We will cater to your specific food needs and economic situation, because
our food Is for people, not for profit.
Food for Free Committee · Room 306-35 · 1430 Mass. Ave.
· Cambridge, MA 02131 · 617-492 4678
In Germany -- They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak
because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out... because I
wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out...
because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak out... because
I was a Protestant.
And then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak
-- Pastor Martin Niemoller