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    Makes: 100 servings 
    Equipment: very large mixing bowl, smaller serving bowl 
    Prep time: 2-3 hours 
8 heads lettuce, torn 
2 heads red cabbage, shredded 
10 lbs carrots, chopped 
5 lbs green peppers, chopped 
3 heads celery, chopped 
5 lbs cucumbers, sliced 
5 to 10 lbs tomatoes, chopped 
Wash all vegetables and chop into bite-size pieces. (For ease of tossing and transporting, use 30-gallon plastic food storage bags, but be sure to double them to be on the safe side.) Use additional vegetables that might be on hand, such as broccoli, cauliflower, onions, zucchini, beets, mushrooms, spinach, sprouts, apples, raisins, sunflower seeds, cooked whole beans (such as chick-peas, kidney beans, and green peas), and so on. Use a smaller salad bowl for serving, and only dress the salad in that bowl. Keep the rest on ice or refrigerated. Salad will keep overnight if undressed. 


    Makes: 100 servings 
    Equipment: large mixing bowl 
    Prep time: 15 minutes 
    25 lbs carrots 
    10 cups "Nayonaise" 
    5 lbs raisins 
    20 lemons, juice of 
Grate carrots, then mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Serve cold. 

Nayonaise is a brand name of nondairy mayonnaise made by Nasoya. It is an excellent substitute for mayonnaise. However, you can also make your own by blending 10 lbs of tofu with 1/2 cup each of oil, honey, and lemon juice or vinegar, and 2 tsp each of salt and garlic powder.


    Makes: 100 servings 
    Equipment: vary large mixing bowl 
    Prep time: 1 hour 
20 lbs carrots, grated 
8 heads green cabbage, shredded
1 gal "Nayonaise" 
20 lemons, juice of 
2 TBSP sea salt 
2 TBSP black pepper 
Shred cabbage and grate carrots, then mix all ingredients in a very large mixing bowl and serve immediately. Serve cold. (See above note about "Nayonaise.") 
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